The gold standard

of hygienic food
equipment design

Working Groups

Ad Hoc Working Groups

The Working Groups are the backbone of the voluntary 3-A SSI consensus document development process. The bulk of the standards development work is carried out by balanced Ad Hoc Working Groups, consisting of experts representing fabricators of related types of equipment, systems, and materials and representatives of the users and public interest/regulatory professionals stakeholder groups. Ad Hoc Working Groups draft all documents in a format and style provided by the Guidance Document for the Development of 3-A Sanitary Standards and Accepted Practices With Examples of Text for Criteria.

Download a copy of Procedures for the Development and Maintenance of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices
Download a copy of Guidance Document for the Development of 3-A Sanitary Standards and Accepted Practices With Examples of Text for Criteria

Note: 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI) has moved to an “A- and B-level” document hierarchy. With an A/B level standards system, the general overall equipment sanitary requirements are contained in a master, or base, “A-level” General Requirements Standard. The technical requirements unique to the specific equipment within the scope of the standard are contained in the “B-level” Standard.

submit a request

Learn how you can participate

Submit a project proposal form to modify, create, or withdraw a 3-A Sanitary Standard or Accepted Practice. Your request will be reviewed by the 3-A Steering Committee for approval. After your request is processed, you will be informed whether or not it has been forwarded to the appropriate Working Group.

PuBLic REView 

The following draft proposals are available for public comment:

Ad Hoc Working Group calendar

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Status Report

Stay Up-to-date

This report lists projects the 3-A SSI Ad Hoc Working Groups are currently undertaking. It is updated on a routine basis.

The sharing of expertise in an Ad Hoc Working Group meeting is critical to the 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practice development process and will expand your knowledge, provide a forum for your voice to be heard, and help establish relationships with colleagues throughout your industry. If you wish to join an Ad Hoc Working Group, please contact

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